Good Morning Arizona!
1998 Good Morning Arizona Interview I did, explaining some of the benefits of hypnotherapy. Wow I look different 17 years later but the information I discuss is the same.
The Joy of Living Radio Show
Listen to my guest appearance with Dr. Williamson on her show The Joy Of Living as we discuss the many ways how hypnotherapy can help your life.
Direct Links Video Show
Watch my guest appearance with Teri Shardi on her show Direct Links. We discuss many ways, including using hypnotherapy, to better manage stress in our lives.
Light Works USA Radio Show
Listen to my guest appearance with Rose Louise on her show Light Worker’s USA. We discuss the topic of the Conscious and Sub-Conscious mind, and how hypnotherapy can help the two work better together
Published Articles
I’ve had the honor to have several articles published in magazines over the years. You can find my published articles here.